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Keyboard Profiling in Windows 7, 8 and 10


Keyboard profiling means capturing statistics about the timing of keypresses while someone is typing. It can be used to troubleshoot issues with touch-typing and help you learn.
Profiling can be used to determine if you are using the wrong finger for a particular key or if the ergonomics of your keyboard are bad.
See these instructions to cover how to analyse the results and other implications.
Apus can perform keyboard profiling, that is it measures the average timings between typing pairs of keys.
For example the output will tell you the average time it takes you to type 'h' after 't' in milliseconds.
This can be used to diagnose issues with touch-typing, as well as for other uses. See keyboard profiling for details of how to analyse the results.
There is little point in using it unless you can touch type or are learning to.
The script logs the frequency and timings of key pairs you type in insert mode, for best results leave it running while you type at least 10,000 characters (approx 2,000 words).
Apus combines the results of multiple sessions, so it can be left running in the background so you can accumulate statistics over multiple days or writing sessions.


To enable profiling, open up the main window and click on 'Enable Profiling' under the 'Profiling' menu.
By default profiling is turned off each time the computer restarts. To start it automatically, start Apus with the '-p' command-line switch, or check the 'Enable Profiling On Start' checkbox on the Interface tab.

Report Results

To report your profiling results. CLick on 'Show Profiling Stats...' under the profiling tab.
You will then be prompted for a directory to save the report in. After saving the report opens in your default text editor (usually Notepad).


The output consists of the following sections


This shows the count, the total time and average time of each pair of keys typed. The average shows the average time in milliseconds between each key pair.
This data is used by the Apus software to troubleshoot your typing.


This shows the time from keying with one finger to keying with another. For example the average amount of time between typing with the index finger of the left hand to the middle finger of the left hand.
The fingers are numbered from left to right with the two columns of keys in the centre also getting a number each, as follows:
0 left pinky/little finger
1 left ring
2 left middle
3 left index/forefinger typing r, f, or v
4 left index/forefinger typing t, g, or b
5 right index/forefinger typing y, h, or n
6 right index/forefinger typing u, j, or m
7 right middle
8 right ring
9 right pinky/little finger
As before there is a row for the total frequency, the total time and the average time


This shows the delay before each key is typed.


The CPM is the characters per minute.


The output of each section can be imported to a spreadsheet by saving to a new file and importing as a csv (comma separated values) file.
The spreadsheet profiling.ods (in the documents folder) contains the formulae so you can simply copy your data in.

More information

To interpret the profiling data to troubleshoot your touch typing, see keyboard profiling
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